The Best Wedding Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram Audience

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Anyone that uses Instagram knows that the best way to grow your audience is to use hashtags. And that rule also stands with other social media platforms, but especially if you’re trying to target an audience through Instagram. 

Unsurprisingly (because who doesn’t love wedding photography), wedding pictures and videos make up a huge chunk of the content posted on the platform on a daily basis. Which only further explains why knowing how to use the right hashtags is absolutely imperative. 

You don’t want to get lost in the algorithm! So, why are hashtags important and how can you use them to grow your Instagram audience? 

Why Hashtags Are Important


Hashtags are important as they help you to target your desired audience on social media platforms. With almost 29M users in the UK alone, and most businesses aiming to post 1 to 3 pieces of content a day, you can imagine how easy it is to get lost in the sea of media. Unless you know how to stand out from the crowd!

And using hashtags is a sure fire way to do so. Depending on the content you’re planning to post and the hashtags you decide to use, Instagram can sort your posts into the correct categories, to target your most suited audience. And it really is as simple as that. 

Charlotte’s Top Tip: Do your research! Popular hashtags resurface and change all the time. So always make sure you’re up to date to keep expanding your audience. 


How To Use Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram Audience


But now the question is, how do you use the hashtags you come across to grow your Instagram audience? It is recommended to use the hashtag limit of 30 hashtags on your post, but there isn’t any point if you don’t know the right way to use them. 

Make sure that the hashtags you use are relevant! Doing your hashtag research is essential when it comes to growing your target audience, as popular hashtags change on a regular basis. And once you’ve come across the hashtags you want to use, making sure they’re spelt correctly is the next step – you’d be surprised how easy it is to make a spelling mistake and not even realise!

Doing this will allow Instagram to separate your posts into the correct categories where you can attract, maintain and gain followers and likes on your posts. It’s simple really!

Charlotte’s Top Tip: Make sure you hit that hashtag limit! While it is important to use relevant hashtags, hitting the hashtag limit is just as important!


Top Wedding Hashtags 2021


While the hashtags you use shouldn’t just consist of the most popular tags, it is always a big help to make sure you include as many as possible, as long as they’re relevant. And as of August 2021, these hashtags were the most popular wedding hashtags to use on Instagram: 

  • #Wedding
  • #Bride
  • #WeddingDay
  • #WeddingPhotography
  • #WeddingDress
  • #Wedding Photographer
  • #WeddingInspiration
  • #Marriage
  • #InstaWedding
  • #WeddingParty
  • #Wedding

As already mentioned, these hashtags change regularly, so always make sure you’re keeping up to date!


Cute Wedding Hashtags


If you’re feeling that little bit more romantic, using cute wedding hashtags is always a great way to show that. And in combination with other relevant hashtags, you’ll be sure to stand out!

  • #HappilyEverAfter
  • #LoveWins 
  • #BetterTogether 
  • #TogetherForever 
  • #ToHaveAndToHold 
  • #ForeverAndAlways 
  • #JustTheBeginning 
  • #WorthTheWait 
  • #LoveAtFirstSight 
  • #MeantToBe 
  • #Soulmate

Who doesn’t love a cute hashtag. It’s always such a nice way to add a romantic touch to your Instagram posts!


Funny Wedding Hashtags


Perfect for any couple with a good sense of humor to take the pressure of the big day off of their shoulders. Anyone that has planned a wedding knows that it can be very stressful, so using light hearted hashtags is always appreciated! Here are some examples of our favourite funny hashtags:

  • #EatDrinkBeMarried 
  • #TilDeathDoUsParty 
  • #WedLongAndProsper 
  • #NewlywedsOnTheBlock 
  • #LoveAtFirstSwipe 
  • #Bridezilla
  • #NachoAverageWedding 
  • #BeerlyBeloved 
  • #TwoLessFishInTheSea

Don’t be afraid to get creative with these, the cheesier the better in our eyes!


Tips For Making Your Own Wedding Hashtags 


It may seem odd to mention that you can create your own hashtags after telling you that the hashtags you use need to be relevant and popular! Using a couple personalised hashtags amongst the 30 hashtags used won’t hurt, as long as you don’t use too many. Here are some tips for creating your own hashtags: 

  • Think Punny – be as cheesy as you want with your own hashtags, the ones that stand out are always the punniest – so don’t be afraid to crack a joke or two! 
  • Check It Hasn’t Been Used Before – If you’re planning to create and use your own hashtag, it’s always good to check it hasn’t been used before – it’s so easy to get lost in the algorithm. 
  • Use Your Names – Perfect for couples who want to make their posts really personal, using your names or a combination of the two (e.g. Danny + Hannah = Dannah) is a great way to use creative hashtags. 
  • Use Numbers – If you don’t feel like using your name, using numbers (e.g. the date of your wedding) is another great way to make your hashtags feel more personal. 

Charlotte’s Top Tip: Don’t overdo it with the creative hashtags! They’re great to use to make the posts more tailored to you (especially if you’re posting about a real wedding), but using one or two is enough. Leave room for the popular hashtags.


Final Thoughts 


Learning how to stand out from the crowd on a popular social media platform can be daunting (trust us, we know). But as long as you keep up to date with your hashtag research, staying relevant on Instagram, whilst maintaining and gaining followers and likes, is easy! 
