6 Free Wedding Seating Plan Templates

Author: Molly Malsom

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When organising your wedding, you’ll probably find yourself spending more time than you expected sorting out seating plans for your guests. The main one being the wedding table seating plans for your wedding breakfast and reception. The last thing you want going wrong on your wedding day is having a guest with nowhere to sit, so having a wedding seating chart organised will be an absolute lifesaver!

At this point in the wedding planning process, you should have most (if not all) of your RSVPs back which makes your wedding seating chart organising a lot easier.

You’ll be glad to know, there are lots of free wedding seating plan templates and resources online that you can easily customise and download to make this part of your wedding a bit less stressful, and it won’t affect your wedding budget.

To save you time scouring the internet, we’ve gathered 6 of the best free wedding seating plan templates to make sure you are organised for your wedding day.

1. Zola

Free Wedding Seating Plan Templates Seating 1

Zola is free, interactive wedding and event organising website that allows you to keep all the information about your wedding in one place.

To get started with your wedding seating plan template, all you need to do is create a free account and add your wedding as an event and you guest list.

Once, all the boring bits are out the way, you can really get started. Add all the number of tables you need and how many guests you will be seating at each table (don’t worry, this can be amended as you go.)

Now, all you have to do is drag and drop each guest from the list you added earlier and place them where you want them. Creating you wedding seating chart really couldn’t be any easier!

Download It Here

2. Table Planner App

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If you prefer to keep the planning to your phone or tablet, this app could be perfect for you!

Not only is it free, but the templates are so easy to use- all you have to do is import your guest list, choose the table shapes and how many you need, then get planning!

If you have guests with special dietary requirements such a veggies or vegans, or perhaps you have a few children attending, this can be marked on the wedding seating planner. How helpful is that?

And let’s not forget, if you don’t fancy taking on the whole wedding seating chart yourself, you can collaborate with others- the more the merrier!

Download It Here

3. Allseated

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Allseated is a planning platform with everything you could need for your wedding, from designing the floor plan and helping you manage timelines to pulling together your guest lists and, of course, sorting your wedding seating charts.

You be sure you’re plans on this website will be completely accurate, with the facility to add the dimensions of the event space you are arranging your seating plan in.

They even have wedding venue dimensions saved, so if you provide your wedding venue name, they can probably give you the figures you need.

Once you’ve got the measurements sorted, you can get started on playing around with your wedding seating plan template. Select the furniture and table types you want to use, and get assigning those seats!

Download It Here

4. Canva

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If you know anything about graphic design, then you’ll have either heard of or used Canva at some point in your life – and the best thing about it is that it’s free!

Known for making graphic design easier, absolutely anyone can use Canva, so don’t be put off by the fact that it was made for graphic designers.

You can build your seating chart template from scratch using the tools available or you can use their pre-programmed templates that are available to all users.

Simply drag and drop your text, change your font type and size and you can even colour code if that makes it easier for you – what more could you ask for really!

Download It Here

5. UK Bride

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Easy to use across all devices and screen sizes, UK Bride’s wedding seating chart template allows you to quickly and easily plan your seating arrangements with no fuss.

All you have to do to get started is create your free account and you’ll be able to switch between your phone and laptop to get the wedding seating template ticked off your list.

Add the names of all your guests, pick you table numbers and floor plan, then start assigning everyone’s seating.

It’s such an easy tool to use, and it saves a lot of stress on the day of your wedding, trust us!

Download It Here

6. Perfect Table Plan

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Easy to download and print, Perfect Table Plan’s wedding seating chart template is super easy to edit to suit your wedding space and number of guests.

There are a few options here, with 17 seating templates already created, so you just have to pick the layout with the correct numbers and download the page!

They even cater for different table shapes, including the classic round tables, trestle tables, and even horseshoe shaped ones.

It’s the perfect way to get organised and make sure no one goes without a seat at your wedding reception!

Download It Here


Written by

Molly Malsom

Molly is a University graduate with a degree in Magazine Journalism and Production. Having contributed to Calm Moment and Visit Cheltenham, she now works for the For Better For Worse marketing team while freelance writing in her spare time.

Learn more about Molly Malsom
