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7 Facebook Marketing Top Tips

NB: To help you browse our best suggestions we have included some third party links. Some purchases made through these links may earn us a commission to help keep our blogs and offers current and up to date. Thanks for your support!

It comes as no surprise that the biggest social media platform in the world is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to marketing. Facebook, despite being 17 years old, continues to be a popular social media platform, boasting over 1 billion active users every month and has over 200 million businesses using their platform. That said, promoting your business on this behemoth of a site can be a tricky thing to perfect, so we’ve got 7 great tips that’ll take your Facebook marketing to the next level.

1. A Good First Impression

Its absolutely vital to make sure that your Facebook Page is eye-catching and designed to pull people in. There are few things that we use to try and make our page as attractive as possible.

Firstly, the Profile Picture should be your logo if you have one. If you don’t try making one yourself or using a picture of your work, your shopfront, anything really – just don’t leave it blank, or it might turn people off.

Next, your Cover Photo. Ours is from a virtual wedding event featured on live TV, but again it could be anything you want, so long as it keeps peoples’ attention. If you’re a photographer it could be one of your greatest works, or if you’re a wedding baker it could be one of your grand creations – something that makes you unique. You can have several cover photos for people to scroll through too, and we have 15 of them!

Finally, Reviews. As I’m sure you know, not much can make a business more worthwhile than good reviews, so try to encourage customers to leave you reviews on Facebook. It’s good for SEO and gives you some extra credibility to your buyers.

2. Use a Facebook Web Address

One excellent feature that is easily overlooked is having your very own Facebook Web Address for your business. Having a custom URL allows for your page to be shared much more easily and looks a lot more professional than a jumbled string of letters and numbers.

Facebook Marketing Top Tips

To do this, go into your settings and you’ll see it under Page Info. From here, you can change it to whatever you like so long as it isn’t taken already. Having a good web address is surprisingly effective, too – it’s fantastic for SEO and makes it much easier for you to appear on google alongside your website and other social media profiles.

3. Utilising Tabs

You have access to a selection of tabs where you can post different kinds of content. You can customise these to be whatever you want and including as many different tabs as possible is key to increasing engagement with all your content. Take for example this page for Oldwalls Gower, a venue in South Wales:

Facebook Marketing Top Tips

As you can see, they have several different tabs on their page to maximise interaction. This includes a homepage as a hub for everything, an about page for an interaction, tabs for general along with separate tabs for photos, reviews and videos as well as one for job openings, one for their food menu and a community tab for any content submitted by other people. The more tabs you have, the more that people have to explore on your page, so keep all your tabs as up to date, relevant and interesting as possible to really draw people in!

4. Use Photos For Posts

Using photos in your posts might seem like a given, but it can be more important than you might think. Research has shown that users are over 10 times more likely to interact with a post with a high-quality image than one with just plain text, so it’s definitely a good idea if you want your page to grow. 

The goal of a Facebook marketing post is almost always to link back to your website or anywhere else that’ll promote you, so it’s important you include a link in your post, too. You’ll want to keep your URLs short if you can to keep your posts free from clutter, so if yours look a bit long you can use one of several free online URL shorteners. And, if you like, add a couple of emojis for a bit of a flair that’ll make your posts more dynamic for your readers. A smiley face never hurts!

5. The 70-20-10 Rule

If you’re big into your marketing you might have heard this one, but it’s useful all the same. The 70-20-10 is a general outline of the balance of content that you should post to give you the biggest chance at maximum engagement. The rule states you should post fully safe content for wide audiences 70% of the time, content that’s a bit more risky and relevant to other interests of your followers 20% of the time and 10% should be a bit more experimental, maybe trying to reach audiences you haven’t before.

For the 70%, post something that’s just like your normal marketing – pictures of a wedding day at your venue or some new wedding gifts or favours that have been added to your shop. The 20% should be trying to appeal to your main audience and audiences you might not usually have, maybe a different kind of an event has happened at your venue, or you’re a singer and you’ve performed at one of these different events – trying to reach out to new audiences never hurts!

Finally, the last 10% should be purely experimental. Look at what kind of trends are going on right now – perhaps there’s a show or movie that’s been popping up in all your feeds, so try and tap into its audience with a cake or decorations themed after the popular property. This might not work for you all the time, but the payoff if it does work can give you a massive boost.

6. Sharing User Generated Content

Content made by other people is always brilliant for growing your brand and Facebook is a great place to do just that. The Community tab on your page allows you to showcase any content submitted by other users, and it’s a great way to increase communication with others and promote loyalty within your brand to help them feel recognised and creates a personal connection between them and your business

The wedding industry is amazing for this, since there are always so many different pictures from so many different people that lots of them are bound to be posted to several Facebook pages. You can usually find these through hashtags (if you don’t have some for your business try making some up and including them in your posts) and showcase these on your Community tab for the perfect way to increase engagement with your followers.

7. Taking Advantage of Facebook Insights

Analytics are crucial for fine-tuning your marketing strategy, and luckily for you Facebook comes with its own built-in analytics tool called Insights. This allows you to see all kinds of information about who is seeing your posts and how they are interacting with it, including how many people saw it, liked it and commented on it, seeing how many people have got through to your website from your page and much, much more.  You can use this data to see which posts are doing well and do more of the same thing as a result to get even more engagement. It’s a powerful tool that can’t be understated.

Another big advantage of Insights is knowing about post timings. Posting to your page at the right time of day can get you a lot more interaction without changing the content you are producing at all. Different kinds of audiences will be active on social media at different times, so try a few and use Insights to see what does well and what doesn’t – we guarantee you’ll see results if you get your post timings just right.

These were 7 Top Tips for making your Facebook marketing strategy the best it can possibly be. The biggest tip we can give you is always to keep trying consistently even if you aren’t getting as much interaction as you would be hoping for, as you never know when one of your posts could blow up and give your business a big boost. Stay tuned to the For Better For Worse Blog for more tips and tricks on how to grow your business by harnessing the power of social media!
