We have carefully curated the very best wedding venues in Alvechurch to help take the stress out of your wedding planning. You can filter your search to include your individual must-haves, such as exclusive use, accommodation, catering and capacity. Start searching for your perfect Alvechurch wedding venue today!

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Featured Alvechurch Wedding Venues

Featured venues reflect what is possible in your wedding dream. Sample the ample selection of venues which offer you a unique setting for your wedding.

Alcott Weddings
Alcott Weddings presents you exclusive use of a range of quirky and unique structures to…
  • Virtual Tour
Kings Norton Golf Club
Kings Norton Golf Club is a Grade II Listed Building set in beautiful parkland. Our…
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Searching for your wedding venue is one of the most exciting and important parts of wedding planning. Your choice will shape your whole day, from the number of guests you’ll be celebrating with to the vibe and style of your wedding. Our wedding venue finder is here to make the whole process easy and enjoyable and will ensure you find the perfect setting to say your “I dos”.
