The feel

The present line up of Throbbin Hood has been together for just over 12 years although the core of the band has been going for about 22 years!!

Having played many venues across the South, ranging from a one car domestic garage in the beginning, to the main ballroom of the Brighton Metropole Hotel, via the many homes and estates of the rich and famous, they must being doing something right!

Hailing from the Sussex area, they have everything you want in a band…a mad drummer, twin guitars with a wicked sound, pumping bass and a multi-talented front-man, who won’t stay still, wielding a unique guitar!

They play the ‘chooooons’ we all know and love too, so the dancing will continue. One minute you’ll be dancing to something from the 60’s and the next minute it will be a more current chart number. Watch out though…if you think you know the words to a song, listen…as they may well change them!

Throbbin Hood get booked to play private parties all the time, but can sometimes be seen in the local pubs where there is never enough room to dance. So…make the most of the space and get yourself out there… you know you want to!

A seriously fun band that will make any evening fantastic and fun with maybe the odd surprise or two thrown in for good measure.

You really won’t want to go home early!!


Throbbin Hood
