Fuchsia Flower Design

The feel

Fuchsia Flower Design is a workshop based florist, offering wedding and special occasion flowers to a wide variety of clients within the local area. Establised in 2004, by Christine Davey, Fuchsia Flower Design is based in Brighton, and has many years experience in the Weddings sector.

Christine creates stunning flower displays that are made individually to suite your style, from the freshest flowers and foliage available. The finished designs are individually created, making them just perfect for your wedding day, available through personal consultation at a reasonable price.

With a fully fitted workshop and a friendly approach, Fuchsia delivers a professional flower design service to individuals and local businesses. The service is designed to be completely bespoke, enabling customers to enjoy beautiful flowers, whatever the occasion.

Call us for a personal consultation, either at home or a place convenient for you, to discuss your ideas, and give you an opportunity to view examples of our work. Times to suit your schedule are available either during the day, evening or weekend.


Fuchsia Flower Design

Fuchsia Flower Design
