Social media goals for your business

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By now you’ve probably realised that social media is key to your wedding business’ success. It helps you reach new couples and continue to inspire previous customers, meaning they’re more likely to recommend you to a newly engaged friend! If you’ve basically been winging it with your social media and you’re not seeing much success, then it may be time to set some social media goals for your business, you’ll find our recommendations below.

What are social media goals?

Social media goals vary depending on your business goals but are simply a statement of what you’d like to see your social media achieve. Don’t confuse social media goals with a social media strategy though, goals are simpler than a strategy, they are what your strategy is based on.

SMART targets

We recommend your social media goals be written as SMART targets so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. SMART targets are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These areas are pretty self-explanatory but many marketeers forget to include these important points in their goals or targets and this can cause the goals to be unsuccessful.

Specific – Your goals shouldn’t be around multiple topics, they should say exactly the one topic you want to focus on within that one goal.

Measurable – You should be able to measure the success of your goal, this may be through Instagram insights.

Attainable – Don’t set yourself an unachievable goal, you’re setting yourself up to fail! Instead, carefully consider what your business’ social media can actually achieve.

Relevant – Is this goal actually something that is going to benefit your business? Setting a goal just because you heard someone else set that goal, isn’t the best way to approach this as the goal may not be relevant to what you’re trying to achieve for your business

Time-bound – Setting yourself targets is no good if you don’t set a time frame in which you need to achieve them. Setting a specific length of time for each of your goals helps you stay focused and means you’re more likely to achieve your goals.

Examples of goals

As previously mentioned, your goals should be relevant to your business and specific so take these examples as a starting point but make sure to change them to suit your business.

  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Improve brand image
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase conversions
  • Increase engagement
  • Increase enquiries

Each of these goals or targets will help you grow your wedding business. Brand awareness is great as it means more people know about your brand but you should also look at brand image if you want them people to become actual customers. This then leads into conversions, engagement and enquiries, as if your brand image resonates with your audience they are more likely to interact with your business’ social media activity.
