New Instagram Feed Options: What Are They and How Can You Use Them For Your Business?

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Anyone that is involved with social media knows how often Instagram likes to change its features, which of course in turn affects the algorithm. With three new feed options to be launched within the ‘first half of this year’, big changes are being made once again. In fact, it may just completely change the way you and your audience view the app! 

However, if you’re anything like us, you’ll also be happy to hear that the chronological Insta feed is making a return, as it is rumoured that some of the new feed options include this feature (we’d be lying if we said we didn’t do a little happy dance when this was announced)! 

But what are these new feed options, and how can they be used to benefit your business? Fear not, we’re here to help – read on for a brief rundown of each feature, how this will affect Instagram, and of course, how you can use the new additions to your advantage! 


What Are The New Features?

Instagram adds new features to its software all the time (and most go unnoticed), but the three new options set to be added to the feed very soon will definitely make all the difference. So, it’s important to understand what they are and most importantly, how you can use them to your advantage for your business. The new feed options are as follows: 

  • Home:  Much like what we’ve grown to love over the years, the ‘Home’ feature is said to allow users to view posts in the way they have grown accustomed to, however, there will be an influx in suggested content as the new option is further developed.  
  • Favourites: It’s easy to assume what this new feature entails, it’s exactly what you think it will be. Although currently unconfirmed, it is rumoured that this feature will allow users to access accounts and posts that they ‘don’t want to miss’ and will be an extension of the ‘close friends’ option. 
  • Following: Finally, the feature that we’re most excited about, the ‘following’ option will allow users to view the posts of who they’re following in chronological order! 

How exciting do these new features sound, watch the Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri explain the ins and outs of each feature here 

How Will This Affect Instagram?

As you can probably imagine, this is a huge change for Instagram, as it essentially switches up the user’s viewing/using experience, which has pretty much stayed the same since 2010 when it first launched.  

Although, it is a huge advantage for the social media platform, as it allows them to use the main landing page as a way to push more suggested content to their users, which is always a huge plus. 

So, for now, it certainly seems like this is going to be a huge advantage for Instagram, as social media competitors Tik Tok, who quickly rose to fame over the last few years have also used this strategy with great success, as let’s face it, who doesn’t have a Tik Tok account at this point! 

Charlotte’s Top Tip: As we’ve already mentioned, Instagram updates its software all the time. So always make sure you’re kept in the loop, as this could massively affect your online presence! 

How Can We Use This For Business?

Now onto the part you’ve all been waiting for, how can we use these new additions to our advantage? Ultimately, the most important thing to do is to keep your target audience in the loop, as these new features may not be as easy to decipher for people who use Instagram for personal use. Here are a few simple ways you can use these new features for business: 

  1. Create Reels/Stories About Using The New Features: A fun and interactive way to keep your audience clued up about new Instagram features is to create short tutorials and guides through reels. Encourage your audience to explore the new features by showing them exactly how to do it – perhaps they’ll thank you by adding your business account to their favourites feed! 
  1. Switch Up Your Posting Time: Now this is something you should be actively doing anyway, as the best times to post content change on a regular basis. As the new features launch, do your research to find out when the best times to post for your industry will be. Competitor research is key here, what is everyone else doing, and what can you do to stand out so that your content is one of the first posts your users come across. Take advantage of the chronological feed feature making a return! 
  1. Encourage Users To Add You To Their Favourites (When Applicable): Now of course, as we’ve already mentioned, the ins and outs of the ‘favourites’ feature are yet to be revealed in detail. But it wouldn’t hurt to actively encourage your audience to add you to their ‘favourites’ feed. Perhaps promise an incentive (such as 10% off their next order). Or simply let them know that they can’t miss what you’re planning to post, as they can’t find your content anywhere else. Make it seem exciting for them, and we don’t know many people that would refuse. 

Simple, quick and easy – but so effective. These features haven’t been launched as of yet, but it’s great to wrap your head around them and come up with a plan beforehand, so you’re well prepared and can use them to your advantage as soon as they’re available! 


Final Thoughts

Instagram is a fantastic social media platform, both for personal and professional use, and is a great way to promote your business online whilst targeting your desired audience. So, it’s exciting to see new features being added as the years go by, which could potentially help promote our businesses even further. Roll on this new launch! 
