How to Conduct the Perfect Wedding Venue Tour

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Welcome to all the wedding teams out there who are eager to excel at showcasing their beautiful wedding venues and converting potential couples into delighted customers!

The majority of couples narrow their in-person tours down to 3 wedding venues or less, so, congratulations! they already like you. They now just need confirmation that your venue is their perfect choice. From a sales perspective you might think that the most important part of the tour is the close, it’s actually the arrival, take the time to sit and chat with couples as they buy on emotion, it’s so important to build rapport with them right from the get-go. Also, if they are prepared, they will certainly be coming to visit you with a wedding venue checklist in mind, so let’s ensure your ticking all the boxes.

At For Better For Worse we understand the significance of making a lasting impression during a venue tour. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you master the art of touring your wedding venue and securing those all-important bookings.

1. Plan Ahead for a Flawless Tour Experience

Before the couple’s arrival, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out plan in place. Consider the entire tour process, starting from their arrival to the final closing. Ensure there is a designated area where you can comfortably sit and engage with them. Additionally, map out the tour route, making sure to highlight the most captivating features of your venue.

Make sure your venue is clean and prepared for your tour, you don’t necessarily need full bells and whistle styling but have some spaces set up as if it was a wedding day.

2. The All-Important Arrival: Set the Tone

First impressions matter, and this holds especially true for wedding venues. As soon as the couple steps foot on your property, make them feel like cherished guests. Greet them with a glass of bubbly, as it immediately sets the mood for celebration and happiness. You could also go the extra mile and reserve a parking spot exclusively for them, making them feel like true VIPs from the start.

For your out-of-town guests and those who have travelled from afar to visit you, ensure they have a moment to rest and take in the very first impression of your wedding venue.

3. Sit and Love: Building Rapport with Emotion

During the initial phase of the tour, take the time to sit down with the couple and genuinely understand their vision for their special day. Listen attentively and use this valuable information to craft a personalised journey around your venue. Building a strong rapport at this stage is crucial, as couples often make emotional decisions when choosing their dream wedding location. Address any concerns they may have and demonstrate that you genuinely care about making their dreams come true.

This part is not to be rushed, more often than not, the way your opening goes will make the couples mind up about the venue instantly.

4. The Tour: Help Them Visualise Their Perfect Day

As you show the couple around your venue, assist them in visualising their wedding day. Share photos of previous events that have taken place in each area, whether displayed in frames or on an iPad. Encourage them to immerse themselves in the ambiance of the ceremony rooms and any other spaces that spark their interest. Ask them for their preferences to get them actively involved in the decision-making process.

Make sure couples have a moment, ask them how they feel in the ceremony room, if they have a choice of spaces, ask them which they prefer, you want them to start picturing their wedding day at your venue and making decisions that will craft their big day.

Remember, well-decorated spaces leave a lasting impression, so avoid showcasing large empty rooms during the tour, they do not sell or show your wedding venue in its best light.

5. Tour Close: Making the Big Ask

Now comes the moment of truth—the tour close. Why not create an atmosphere of exclusivity by offering some delectable macaroons or mini desserts to the couple. As they savour these sweet treats, leave them with a wedding album to browse through while you gather any necessary brochures and check availability. Afterward, sit back down with them to present your offerings. Be sure to highlight added benefits with enthusiasm, leaving them in awe of what your venue has to offer. Always add in ‘but you also get ………’ make it sound wow, so they will be thinking “I get that too! How great!”

Instil a sense of urgency by limiting availability to a few select dates and providing incentives for booking within a specific time frame. This nudges couples towards making a decision without feeling pressured. Finish by confidently asking, “Are you ready to book?” and guide them through the next steps with ease.

Crunch the numbers, talk costings, discuss how many guests, clear up any doubts (if they have any at all) and reassure them you are with them from the very start of their wedding planning journey. You must showcase you are the perfect venue all the way across the board.

Congratulations! You’ve now learned the art of creating an exceptional wedding venue tour that resonate with prospective couples. By paying attention to the arrival, building a strong connection, and helping couples envision their big day, you’ll be well on your way to generating more bookings and creating unforgettable memories for happy couples.

We wish you the best of luck in showcasing your wedding venue and look forward to hearing all about your success stories! Here’s to lots of fabulous bookings!

Here at For Better For Worse we love nothing more than seeing our venues generate leads and get those all important bookings. So if you need any assistance at all, we are here to help.
