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10 Tips To Increase Your Traffic

NB: To help you browse our best suggestions we have included some third party links. Some purchases made through these links may earn us a commission to help keep our blogs and offers current and up to date. Thanks for your support!

We all want to increase our traffic and outreach through any ways we can, but in the current age where having a strong online presence is becoming more and more important it can be hard to keep up. Luckily for you, we’ve made a list of 10 easy tips that you can follow to increase traffic to your blog posts, social media, websites and more!

1. Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is essentially a simpler way of referring to content that’ll be relevant no matter the date or time. SEO is a difficult game at the best of times, so you’ll want to make sure there will always be people looking for the content that you’ll be creating.

To check if your content works at any time of year, you can use Google Trends. It’ll give you a handy graph of search results over time so search your blog titles and see how popular they are. Once you see what’s popular, turn that into blog posts or pages for some easy traffic!

2. URLs and Meta Descriptions

URLs and descriptions of your blogs are particularly important from making your blog stand out amongst the ocean of Google Search results. All of the keywords for your posts should appear in the description and the headline if possible as it works wonders for SEO.

When someone searches these terms, Google will highlight the terms of the search in the meta description of the post, making it more attractive to the user. A little bit of bold text goes a long way!

3. Google FAQs

Ever seen those little FAQ sections after searching something on Google? You can make those for your own website, allowing people to see your website FAQs without even clicking on your site.

This is a brilliant way to hook people in if they’re searching things relating to any FAQ style blogs that you might have posted. You can find Google’s guide to this helpful strategy here.

4. Website Speed

It might seem unusual, but how fast your website loads can be a really important factor in SEO, as both Google and Bing may rank your site lower if it takes too long to load. In addition, customers are impatient, and will often close your website if it takes a long time.

If it’s taking a long time to load there could be a few things holding your website back. Large images, big animated themes and web plugins are the biggest offenders of this, so consider editing these if it’s not loading fast enough.

5. SEO-Friendly Images

Following on from the last tip, having images that are the correct size will work wonders for SEO. By doing this not only will you appear better on search rankings, but you’ll also appear higher on Google Images searching, too!

On top of this, it’s always a good idea to add good image alt text and file names that match the SEO terms. Using your blog titles in these is always a safe bet!

6. Create A Content Strategy

Getting blog titles is always hard and finding new ones can be a real challenge. An easy way to do this if you’re stuck is to think about a few simple questions to ask about your audience.

For example, what are your audience’s interests and how could you relate them to your business? If you’re a wedding venue, a good blog post would be about creative ideas for wedding favours or themes, as it’ll relate to your business if you’re trying to increase enquiries. If you’re still struggling, you google some of your blog titles and use Google’s “People Also Ask” section on the search page to see other things that the people reading your posts are looking up. A quick solution if you can’t think of new blogs!

7. Write Compelling Content

Everything up to now has been all about getting people to click on your posts, but once you’re past that you need to keep people interested. Always make sure that the content you’re posting is relevant to what the reader is looking for.

If you’re making a post about some amazing seasonal wedding favours, make sure each one includes whatever your audience would want: Price, images, functions, website links and whatever else it is that you think would be relevant. You also want to keep your reader engaged through your structure – use a wide range of punctuation, sentence structures and good English. In other words, try not to sound like a robot!

8. Link Building

Link building is a fantastic way to hook more people in once you’ve got them in your post. This practice is as simple as inserting links to business partners, website pages or other blog posts on your site and is brilliant for getting some extra engagement with the readers and is a great way to drive engagement.

Say you’re a wedding baker and you’re making a post on the best themed wedding cakes that you’ve made. You could add a link to a different supplier that made decorations or favours to go with your cake, or you could link to a different blog post on your site about DIY themed cakes or a guide to creating amazing icing structures. The more links, the better – it can greatly improve your web traffic!

9. Use Google Analytics

Formulating your content strategy is absolutely crucial to marketing success and it’s always a good idea to see what’s working well and what could be improved. By using Google Analytics you can get a clear view of the traffic to your pages. Look at what is doing well and what isn’t and create a strategy of doing more of what is seeing lots of traffic and maybe doing less of what isn’t.

If your blog post is doing well, maybe take the structure of it and use it as a template. Analyse it, see what words prop up a lot and jot down how many images you have. Use these as guidelines for future posts to increase traffic to your new posts. If another post isn’t doing as well, edit it with some of the data you’ve collected on your more popular posts to give it that SEO boost it needs. A small boost in the algorithms will never hurt!

10. Keep Up With Google Updates

Google updates its search engine algorithms several times a year, adding new features and changes in how results are generated. Keeping on top of these is a great way to stay on top of your competitors when it comes to SEO.

You can find all these updates, along with more insights into the world of Google Searches and the algorithms that determine them, on the Google SearchLiason Twitter Account, so get some of that insider information that’ll put you ahead of the curve!
